Services ofgreat quality andempowering coaching

Management Coaching
Management coaching is an individual or team approach that aims, among others, to develop the leadership skills and talents of professionals and managers. This approach enables organizations to be more efficient, harmonious and caring and, thus, to increase the commitment of their employees.

Sports Coaching
Sports coaching requires and ensures a superior understanding of the issues related to high performance competition and the must-have qualities to achieve high-level goals.

Transition Coaching
Management coaching is an individual or team approach that aims, among others, to develop the leadership skills and talents of professionals and managers. This approach enables organizations to be more efficient, harmonious and caring and, thus, to increase the commitment of their employees.
Management Coaching
Offered individually or in teams, management coaching is an approach that aims, among other things, to develop the leadership skills and talents of managers and professionals. This approach is intended to make organizations more effective, harmonious, and caring and, thus, to increase the commitment of their employees.
This service is specifically intended for 1st and 2nd level executives, managers and professionals in the public, semi-public, private sectors, and administrators of non-profit organizations.
Management coaching is a rigorous professional service based on authenticity, partnership, trust, deep and powerful questioning, constructive feedback and challenging exercises. It allows you to implement the actions necessary to achieve the results for which you are responsible, according to your level of commitment in the process. The service is always offered in a dynamic, respectful, caring and fun atmosphere.
Management coaching meets the following needs, among others:
Developing your leadership qualities and skills
Develop your courage as a manager
Develop your communication skills
Develop team mobilization
Develop a healthy and efficient work climate
Develop his management of priorities
Develop your creativity
Develop strategic planning and vision
Develop time management
Improve stress management
Improve work-life balance
Improve your performance-perfectionism balance
Preserve yourself and your team when managing difficult employees

The benefits for my clients:
Become great leaders
Be inspired and inspiring managers
Establish nonviolent, solution-oriented communications at work
Have mobilized, effective and efficient teams
Achieve results quickly and effectively
Create a pleasant and healthy work environment where people enjoy working together
Be happy at work and at home
Receive a tailored service, offered according to your specific needs
Receive a confidential and respectful service, in sync with your goals

Sports Coaching
Sports coaching requires and ensures a superior understanding of the issues related to high performance competition and the qualities necessary to achieve high-level objectives.
This service is specifically designed for elite and professional athletes and coachs. It is a specialized service that allows you to rediscover your inner resources in order to develop your physical, emotional, energetic and psychological potential and, thus, to pursue your dreams and reach your high-level sports objectives.
Whether you choose individual or team coaching sessions, you can expect a high quality, professional, rigorous and authentic service, tailored to your needs. The coaching is based on the accountability of the client, the trust and partnership with his coach, the actions that are prioritized and taken, and the support of a continuous and constructive feedback. This allows for faster progress and always takes place in a fun, dynamic and passionate atmosphere.
Sports coaching meets the following needs, among others:
Develop and improve stress management
Maintain or regain motivation after an injury or setback
Learn to bounce back quickly after a poor performance
Develop resilience
Focus energy on what you can control
Develop leadership qualities and skills
Develop the way to communicate your vision
Develop your team mobilization
Becoming inspired and inspiring
Ensure a healthy and efficient climate in training and competition
Develop your creativity
Develop your planning and training program
Improve your life balance to perform better
Plan your retirement

The benefits for my clients:
Receive individual coaching during competitions, via Zoom, if needed
Achieve high-level results
Deliver happy and exhilarating performances
Have a cohesive team working together towards a common goal
Benefit from a respectful and rigorous training environment
Learn from setbacks and bounce back quickly
Be committed to taking responsibility for your performance
Have the strength to go higher and further
Know how to surround yourself positively
Become an inspiring and inspiring coach
Communicate in a nonviolent and solution-oriented way
Succeed in your retirement transition in a planned, active and serene manner
Receive a tailored service, offered according to your specific needs
Receive a confidential and respectful service, in sync with your goals
Access to individual, team or duo (athlete and coach) coaching
Take advantage of workshops, training and customized conferences

Transition Coaching
This coaching service is specifically designed for elite and professional athletes and coaches. It is a specialized service that allows to rediscover your inner resources and reach your full physical, emotional, energetic, and psychological potential in order to pursue your dreams and fulfil your major sports goals.
Transition coaching is a professional service based on listening, caring, authenticity, partnership, trust between the coach and the client and powerful questioning, leading to the awareness needed to unlock certain fears and beliefs.
You will receive constructive feedback and challenging exercises that, by taking you out of your comfort zone, will make it possible for you to take the necessary actions to advance on your journey and reach your goals. You always remain responsible for the results of your process. It is a tailored, heartfelt, confidential and professional support that takes place at your pace, in a dynamic and respectful atmosphere of benevolence, well-being and pleasure.
Transition coaching meets the following needs, among others:
Move towards your well-being
Reorienting your career
Transition to retirement
Developing and improving stress management
Developing resilience
Improve your self-confidence
Focusing energy on what you control
Unlocking fears, exploring beliefs
Rediscover your motivation
Bounce back more quickly after a difficult situation
Develop nonviolent communication
Know your values, anchors, desires, challenges and limits
Improve your work-life balance
Improve your performance-perfectionism balance
Develop your organization
Develop your creativity
Improve your lifestyle
Improve or discover physical, emotional, spiritual and intellectual health

The benefits for my clients:
Feeling successful and well throughout a career change and in line with one’s aspirations
Enjoy a successful, planned, active and serene retirement
Lead a calmer life
Have better health
Bounce back more quickly from a difficult situation
See life from a new perspective
Knowing how to settle down and take your time
Transform failures into learning
Balance personal life and work
Have a happy and exciting personal and family life
Forming a strong couple or family, working together towards a common goal
Take responsibility and fully assume one’s actions and choices
Have the courage to live your passions
Know how to surround yourself with positive people
Become an inspired and inspiring person
Communicate in a nonviolent way on a daily basis
Receive a tailored service, offered according to your specific needs
Receive a confidential and respectful service, in sync with your goals